
Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to all facilities and digital sites of “HOTEL STANLEY” owned by STANLEY SA, in relation to its activities.

At HOTEL STANLEY, we are committed to respecting and protecting your privacy, as well as the protection of your personal data. Our vision and goal are to provide high-quality services, beyond your highest expectations. For this reason, HOTEL STANLEY as a data controller, with respect to the current national and European framework for personal data protection and in particular the General Regulation for Data Protection 2016/679 (hereinafter GDPR) and Law 4624/2019,the Decisions, Guidelines and Opinions of Hellenic Data Protection Authority(hereinafter “Data Protection Legislation”) provides with this Privacy Policy a lawful, fair and transparent policy to inform you about the personal data we collect, how we use it and the added value to enhance your experience when you visit our facilities and/or online platforms (websites ).

In order to achieve transparency in the collection and use of your personal data, this Privacy Policy is intended to inform you about:

- What kind of personal data do we collect and how do we use it,
- The purpose of processing your personal data and the relevant legal basis on which we process this data,
- Your rights regarding your personal data.

Through this Privacy Policy we aim to inform you transparently about the processing of your personal data. However, as our activities and consequently the forms of processing are constantly evolving, not all forms of processing may be included in this policy.

What kind of Personal Data do we collect and how do we use it:

A. Visitors

A.1. Data collected during booking

Reservations through our website:If you decide to book through our website, we will collect your name, address, city, country, phone, e-mail address, as well as any special request you may have, your credit card details (card type, card number, security code, expiration date, cardholder details), date of arrival and departure as well as flight details in case of your transfer request to and from the airport.
If you contact us directly to make a reservation, we will send you the booking form to provide us with the necessary information, such as name, address, telephone, e-mail address, payment details.
Online bookings through third parties and / or travel agents:
In this case, the information we will receive for you is the email confirming your booking and containing information such as your name, country, date of arrival and departure, flight information in case of transfer to and from the airport, members accompanying you, and special requests (e.g., request for transfer to and from the airport, statement of preferences that you wish to know).

A.1.1. Purposes of processing - legal basis

We collect your booking data in order to:
Process and fill in your booking details:
Process the payment of the relevant services, fees and charges.
Collect and claim money owed to us.
Process your data in case of need to resolve disputes.
Facilitate your reservation and to arrange the transfer from / to the airport, if you request.
The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the execution of HOTEL STANLEY's contractual and legal obligations, as well as HOTEL STANLEY's legal interest in exercising its legal claims.

A.2. Data Entry - Check-in Procedure

A.2.1. Arrival procedure at HOTEL STANLEY:

Upon arrival at HOTEL STANLEY, you will provide us with all the necessary information to complete the arrival process. More specifically, we will collect your title, your name, the language of communication, the address (street, postal, city, country), your citizenship, your telephone number, your e-mail address,the names of any (family) members accompanying you and their date of birth, your date of birth, passport/ID number, car registration number,date of arrival and departure as well as room number.

Allergy / Special Preferences Statement:Your allergies and preferences may in some cases be sensitive personal data. We may collect such data in the event that you disclose it to us of your own free will, or in the event that we request that you provide it to us with your express consent.

If you wish to share with us data such as your allergies or other preferences, in order to enter the relevant information and to inform the relevant sections of the hotel during your stay in our facilities, in this case, we will ask you to give your consent to store this data and to inform our restaurants and / or housekeeping departments about your safety and comfort and the provision of personalized services. In this case, we will collect your name, date of birth, date of arrival and departure and your room number, as well as any allergies or preferences you tell us.

 A.2.2. Purposes of processing - legal basis

We collect the data you provide to us upon your arrival in order to:
Complete the arrival process. Identification data is necessary to comply with our legal obligations

To facilitate your stay.

Facilitate administrative procedures.

Facilitate the payment process. Payment information is required for the issuance of documents and compliance with tax obligations.

Improve our services to provide you with a unique accommodation experience.

To provide you with personalized services (regarding your preferences and so on), based on your prior consent, if granted.

Promote and contact you.

Send you special offers for our services and products, or updates for upcoming events or offers that you may be interested in, based on your prior consent, if granted.

In the event that you wish to provide us with information about your allergies/preferences, we will proceed with the relevant processing only if we have received your prior consent.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the performance of HOTEL STANLEY's contractual and legal obligations, as well as your prior consent (if required).

A.3. Personal data collected from visitor questionnaires

Your feedback is important to us as it allows us to improve the services provided to you. You can submit your comments and comments at any time by completing the visitor questionnaire. If you wish to complete it, the provision of personal information (e.g. name, room number, e-mail address, address, country, occupation, arrival details, length of stay, date of birth) is optional.

 A.3.1. Purposes of processing- legal basis

We collect the data you provide to us in the visitor questionnaires in order to:
To evaluate your experience, to improve our services, as well as to contact you to discuss the experience of your stay at our facilities and to evaluate services that we will provide to you in the future. The legal basis for processing is our legal interest.

A.4. Personal data collected for security reasons

Images / video recording: We collect, process and store images and videos through the video surveillance system (closed circuit television, hereinafter CCTV), where it is installed, for security reasons, in accordance with the requirements and standards set by national and European data processing legislation.

Security Reports: The security department prepares reports, which contain personal data, for security reasons (e.g., incident reports, lost items report, safe lists, etc.). Such reports may contain personal information, such as name, room number, and are recorded for security reasons.

Accident declaration form: In the event of an accident on our premises, you will be asked to provide information such as your name, date of birth, room number, length of stay, as well as additional information about the accident, such as the location of the incident, date and time of the incident, nature of the incident as well as relevant further information.

A.4.1. Purpose of processing- legal basis

The security department collects data for the purpose of:

The operation of a closed-circuit television system, to guarantee the safety of employees, customers, facilities and equipment.

Creating security reports.

The legal basis for processing is HOTEL STANLEY's legitimate interest for the protection of persons and goods as well as for the exercise or support of legal claims or when the courts act in their jurisdictional capacity.

With your consent, we may transfer video surveillance footage of you, to our insurance company.

A.5. Profile Training

We may use your information to evaluate certain aspects of you as our customers. However, we do not make decisions that affect you, relying entirely on automated processing, including profiling, which could have legal consequences for you or similarly affect you.

When we use profile training to provide personalized offers and services (not a fully automated decision-making process), you always have the right to object to such processing (including profiling) of direct marketing by submitting your request. at any time to the Data Protection Officer, using the contact details below (in the “Your rights” section).

A.5.1. Purposes of processing - legal basis

We may use your personal data to:

Analyze aspects related to your personal travel preferences and interests.

To provide personalized services, before, during and after your stay with us.

The legal basis of processing is your prior consent.

B. Data collected during newsletter registrations

B.1. Personal data collected when you subscribe to the list of updates.

When you register to receive newsletter, we collect and store your email address and if you wish you can enter your name and country.

B.1.1. Purpose of processing - legal basis

We use the data you provide to us when you subscribe to the Newsletter in order to:

Send you information material about our services, products and offers.

The legal basis for processing is your prior consent, which you can revoke at any time, or the existing relationship between us.

B.2. Internet technologies

On the HOTEL STANLEY website, we may use cookies, invisible pixels and beacons to collect information about your browsing. For more information about cookies, please read our website policy on cookies.

C. Job Applicants and Employees

Candidates and HOTEL STANLEY employees receive extensive privacy notice about the processing of their personal data, through the forms "Privacy Notice for Candidates" and "Privacy Notice for Employees".

D. Personal Data of associates.

If you cooperate with us, we may process only the necessary data to fulfill our contract and serve our business relationship. We may use the email address you provide voluntarily to inform you of our corporate news as part of our partnership. However, you can always opt out of corporate communication by activating the unsubscribe option available in our mailboxes.

D.1. Purpose of processing - legal basis

We use the data you provide to us as corporate partners in order to:

Manage our business relationship.

Inform you and your company about our business news in the context of our cooperation.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the execution of HOTEL STANLEY's contractual and legal obligations, as well as HOTEL STANLEY's legal interest in exercising its legal claims.

E. Special Categories of Personal Data/Sensitive Personal Data-Minor’s Data

Ε.1.Special Categories of Personal Data

The terms “specific categories of personal data” or “sensitive personal data” refer to personal data which discloses racial or ethnic origin, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union affiliation, and the processing of genetic data; biometric data for the purpose of unambiguous identification of the natural person, data relating to health or data relating to the sexual life of the natural person or sexual orientation. We may only collect such data if you provide it to us voluntarily or if we request it and we have obtained your prior express consent.

E.2. Minor’s Data

We do not want to collect personal data directly from minors (under 18 years old), instead, if required, we seek to collect minors’ data from their parents or legal guardians and, where necessary, obtain their consent. However, as it is not always possible to determine the age of the people who access and use our websites, we advise parents or legal guardians to contact us if they notice unauthorized access to data by minors so that they can exercise accordingly their rights such as the deletion of their data.

F. Personal Data Transfers

The personal data you provide to us is kept and stored securely. We may share your information with public services for the reasons stated above.

In addition, we may transfer your personal data to third parties (legal or natural persons) who will legally process your personal data in accordance with our written instructions and formalities (Performing the Processing of Personal Data).

We guarantee that these third parties always apply the same measures to protect your personal data and act only in accordance with our written instructions and with respect for the legality and your personal data.
More specifically, in order to achieve the purposes of processing, personal data may be transmitted:

- Third party companies providing related services (eg web site management services, financial, legal or technical support, payroll, etc.). In any case, all these companies undertake contractual commitments to us to guarantee the observance of confidentiality, as well as the commitment to comply with the legislation for the protection of personal data.

- In companies of our group, to the extent that this transfer is necessary for the pursuit of our goals.

- To public authorities (police, law enforcement, tax authorities, etc.) in the context of issuing fines, upon relevant requests or whenever necessary.

When information is transmitted in accordance with the above, we limit the range of information communicated to what is strictly necessary to achieve that purpose. In addition, since some of our activities are handled by third parties, we take care, with contractual guarantees, to ensure that the processing of your personal data is done in a secure and fully compliant manner with this privacy policy and legality.

When the data transmission concerns a third country outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, we always check whether:

- The European Commission has issued an adequacy decision for the third country in which the transmission takes place.

Appropriate guarantees have been put in place for the transmission of this data in accordance with the requirements of the GCC.

In any other case, the transfer to a third country is not allowed and we will not transfer your data unless one of the specific derogations provided by the GCC applies (eg explicit consent of the data subject, after informing him about the risks of the transmission, the transmission is necessary for the execution of the contract requested by the subject, the existence of reasons of public interest, support of the legal claims of the subject, etc.).

G. Disclaimer for third party websites

We may provide links to third party websites to facilitate our users. HOTEL STANLEY does not control the websites of third parties and is not responsible for the content or links (hyperlinks) of any of the websites for which it provides a link. We are not responsible for the privacy practices they apply, nor for the content of third-party websites.

H. Your rights

We protect and respect your rights, as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation and Law 4624/2019, including in particular:

Your right to be informed about the processing of your personal information (right of access) and to request more information about the processing being performed.

Your right to request correction of inaccurate personal data.

The right to request the deletion of personal information you have provided, unless this is permitted for legal reasons.

Your right to request a processing restriction.

Your right to request portability of your personal information

Your right to object to further processing of your personal data, especially when this data is processed for direct marketing purposes or profiling. More specifically, you may object to a decision based solely on automated processing. In such a case, you may exercise your right of intervention.

Your right to revoke your consent.

You may address your requests to our Company via email In these cases, HOTEL STANLEY will reply to you in writing within 30 days of receiving the request.If you believe that the provisions for personal data are being violated, you may file a complaint to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (HDPA).

I. Information Security

Although no online transmission method or electronic storage method provides absolute security, at HOTEL STANLEY we have taken all reasonable technical and procedural means to maintain the accuracy of your data and to ensure the proper use of the information we collect about you. We also protect and protect your personal information from unauthorized access, while you enjoy the products and services we provide during your stay at our facilities or your browsing our online services.

J. Period of Retention of Personal Data

Your personal data is kept for a limited period of time, depending on the purpose of the processing, after which the data is deleted and/or securely destroyed. When processing is required by law or a specific retention period is provided, your personal data will be stored for as long as the relevant provisions require.The personal data collected and processed for the execution of a contract are kept for as long as is necessary for the execution of the contract and for the exercise of legal claims based on the contract. The personal data collected and processed following your prior consent are kept until this consent is revoked.

K. Data Protection Officer Details


Tel: 210 515 6800


L. Privacy Policy Updates

We may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time to respond to changes in the regulatory framework, business needs or to meet the needs of our customers, our property, our business partners and our service providers. Updates will be posted on our website with the date of last modification, so you are always aware of our most up to date Privacy Policy.

Latest update: July 2024

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We use strictly necessary cookies forfunctional reasons. With your consent, we will use Marketing and Unclassified Cookies. For further information please visit our Cookie Policy.
